Korean Skincare Routine #2 | Ally

Hey, Ally here! I'm back with the second step/segment. I hoped the first post was helpful and now it's time for the second. I apologise in advance if you find it annoying having to wait post-by-post to get the complete routine but I've been really trying to give you guys a detailed explanation so you get the whole picture rather than bits and pieces. If you haven't read the first step to this routine: click here Exfoliating is another step you mustn’t skip. When exfoliating, the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin are buffed away. Leaving you with the softer, newer layer of skin. (Like a baby’s bottom) Dead skin cells can contribute to a flat and dull complexion as well as blemishes. It is also important to exfoliate because the dead skin cells may clog up your pores, leading to acne, blackheads and further breakouts. (You get where I’m going) Without the extra layer of dead skin cells, your skincare products like mask packs and moisturizers wi...