15 Random Questions | Bethany
Hello everybody! So as you can tell from the title, I am doing a 15 Random Questions post! Basically what I did was Google some questions and picked 15 by random and answered them! I know some people might find it boring but I'm doing this because I feel like it. And by the way, I'll try to answer them as briefly as possible so it doesn't get bleh. (a.k.a very boring) 1) What do you think you can do but can't? Fly. Yes. I believe I can fly. But after a reality check; I can't. 2) What are your phobias? First off, if you don't exactly know what phobia is....basically it's ' An extreme or irrational fear or dislike of a specified thing or group.' (Thanks Google). Secondly...these are my phobias :). In other words, fear of sharp/pointed objects , fear of being scratched , fear of failure , fear of having no escape/being closed in , fear of making decisions and fear of the sea/fear of being in the ocean. As ...