One Year Later... | Forty-Two³
Hello everybody! It is us, Forty-Two³ (or forty-two cube). And today, we're celebrating our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY thing on Blogger. Can you believe it's been a year? It kinda has been a whirlwind of an adventure *Although technically, we haven't been anywhere* We never really expected to still be blogging after an entire year. We did however joke about writing our 10th year anniversary post together and now..........who would have thought that we're 9 years closer to that dream now! The past year has been a great experience, either online or offline but I will say that I felt the tiniest bit of pressure knowing that I had to come up with a post every week if not every other week (we occasionally have K-Pop Reaction posts on the 4th, 16th and 22nd of every month) I wanted to write really fun, interesting and relatable posts although I don't think I've achieved that just quite but we'll continue to write on this blog as a trio for as long as we can...So...