Setback-ed by Sarah | Ally & Beth
Objective: Get Sarah's early birthday present Location: A mall Time: 2.02 p.m. Date: 28 October, 2016 Perspective: Ally & Bethany It was a nice day...we thought everything was gonna go well as long as Sarah stayed away from the mall. Little did we know, we'd be setback-ed (is that even a word) by Sarah. This problem began at roughly 2.02 p.m. when we checked our phones and realised that Sarah was in the exact same mall literally 100m away having lunch with her fam jam (and the text she sent was at 1:20 p.m. so you can just imagine how we felt....). *panicked* We were taking a break from all the shopping ( Reality: we were actually dividing the cost of her presents) so we chose Baskin Robbins to rest our feet and have ice cream. Honestly, we actually thought this situation through before this problem began. We were like, 'What if we met Sarah here?'....we didn't think we'd actually JINX ourselves. Our mood changed from happy & sat...