First Post!
Hey everyone!
Welcome to our blog :) This is our first post, obviously and we really hope you enjoy reading what is going on in our crazy weird minds. But you're probably wondering who in the world are we. Yes. I said 'our' and 'we' it's not only one person but three people ;). So official introduction, our names are Ally, Beth, Sarah. We're gonna write on different things in this blog. We each have our own individual posts, which will be posted on the 'tabs' above. Feel free to scroll through it.
Hm...but what's our individuals mainly about?
Ally is going to write about DIY, Fashion, and her love for K-pop!!! Sarah is also gonna write about K-pop - why not spread the love huh?....and DIY with the addition of recipes and book reviews. And last but definitely not least is Beth who's going to write monthly heart to heart segments, random stuff and hauls (stuff like that). So that you guys will have a rough idea about us, we drew names a moment ago to descibe each other ^-^!
Let's start with Ally...since she's the eldest: 'She is a person where words can't describe her. She's like a ball of positivity that bursts when we (or her friends) need help, or are feeling down or negative. Okay maybe not ball, but like positive...magic glitter. She's the kind of person who shows a big difference between arrogance and confidence. She shows the confidence most girls need, in a good way. Some may put into when she stands up for what she believes in. She LOVES K-Pop ever since like the beginning of the year and has never stopped talking about it ever since. Basically, she's a positive, smart, confident, fashionable K-Pop(per?)). Two words to describe her? Incredible Friend.' - Beth
Next up the list: Beth, 'She is one of the most kind hearted lovable person. She's a person you can always rely on and she'll always be there for ya. With the love of pink stuff, owls and bows. She is a person that can put a smile on anyone's face. She has pretty wavy hair and she can style her hair that makes people jealous. No kidding. She makes tying hair in a simple ponytail nice. Plus I can say she's the top 15 smartest person in school! Like woahhhh too smart right? Practically a genius in math too. She also really likes the series Girl Meets World. So basically she's an awesome friend that can never be replaced <3' - Sarah
And to our youngest member here, Sarah: ' whole new level of sarcastic!!! You wouldn't expect it in a way but when it comes, it hits you hard. The best part is that she doesn't even realize what she has said and she says it in such a naive tone that it makes it 10x funnier. To sum her personality up, she's funny in a sarcastic way, naive and also a great friend since she worries about how to cheer you up when you're down. :) Ohhh Sarah also gets scared like superrrrrr easily...superrrrr easily. She gets shocked even if she accidentally knocked something down. And she's in her panic/shocked mode for the next few moments which makes it funny for us! XD.' - Ally
Ally & Beth: One time, we went to a cafe just to talk about the blog. Sarah was stirring her drink and an ice cube fell out from her cup and she jumped and froze.
Sarah: I didn't expect the ice cube to fall out!
Well, we guess this is it for our first post. We hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed doing this and thank you so much for reading. We'll talk to you guys soon!
With love,
Ally, Beth and Sarah
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