DIY Kate Spade Inspired Jewelry Dish | Ally

Hey, as time goes by, I feel like my introductions become weirder and weirder so this time it’s just gonna be a simple Hi! J Today, as you can guess by the title, it’s gonna be another DIY but this time, it’s a Kate Spade inspired décor. I’m sure you’ve seen really cute décor everywhere but when you pick it up and see the tag, your heart gets like a mini heart attack. I sooo get you…..

Recently, I was internet browsing while looking for really cute décor for my room when I came across the Kate Spade website. I absolutely fell in love with the things I saw but let’s just say I don’t earn any money by attending school so that was a total NO! NO! I’ve seen a few videos on YouTube and I was like how hard can it be…? So today, I decided to try it out. I’m in no means saying this is better than the original but I think it’s a fun idea to try out if you’re not planning on burning a hole in your pocket. I’m pretty sure this DIY will ensure your pocket to stay unholed….P.S. that isn’t even a word btw.

Things you’ll need:
-       A plate/dish (don’t get yourself a plate from the kitchen unless you’re absolutely not gonna use it anymore. P.S. make sure you’ve washed it >__<)
-       A picture for reference (you could totally freehand this but I don’t trust myself so it’s best to have something to reference to)
-       A black Sharpie marker
-       A gold paint marker (or you could use gold gilding paint…whichever you’d prefer)
-       A spray sealant (you don’t want all that hard work to go to waste)
-       A pencil (and an eraser if you’re prone to mistakes like me >.<)

This DIY has got to be one of the easiest but it’ll turn out really cute and you won’t regret it. The best thing about this is that all you perfectionist out there (Yes! I’m pointing at you) can totally do this without feeling any burden or pressure because the more rustic it is, the better it’ll look. Let’s get on with it already!!!

First up, you’re gonna get your plate and make sure there’s no dust or grease on it. I would suggest getting a plate from the dollar store or somewhere cheap since you won’t be able to use this plate after. While referencing a picture, write on whatever it is you want written with a pencil. On the website, the original dish has “odds and ends” written on it but you could totally change it up to suit your style~ I’m changing it up a little and going with “bits and pieces” instead. I know it’s a synonym for odds and ends but I thought it suited me better.

After you’ve got a light marking on the plate, go over it with your Sharpie. Thicken some parts of the words just so it’ll look more like brush lettering. Friendly tip, if you happen to mess up, all you’re gonna need is some nail polish remover and a cotton pad. Wet the cotton pad with some nail polish remover and wipe off any imperfections. But just remember that this doesn’t have to look perfect because in reality…no one’s perfect. J

When you’re pretty much happy with the words, it’s time to move on with the next part. This step is optional but grab your gold paint marker and colour along the rim of the plate. You could also use gold gilding paint if you want to be fancy-shmancy. This totally gives your jewelry dish an extra elegance about it! If you’d rather have it simple, then you could just stop after writing the words. If you’re not shy with the glitter, you could also cover the rim of the plate with some gold glitter. Just giving you suggestions to keep your options open.

After all the colouring, you’re pretty much done…

Doesn’t it look cute! Trust me, it’ll look cuter on your bedside table. Hope you enjoyed the DIY and having tried it out, it’s much easier than you’d think. So try it out and stay tuned for more DIY’s in the future.

Bits and pieces of my life,


  1. Oooooh! That does look cute and its super simple! Unfortunately I am sooooo lazy! If I wasn't... or many if I can find the time I could make something like this for my mom for Mother's Day... XD we shall see.


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