DIY: Light Bulb Décor | Ally

Hey hey guys!!! (and girls) For some reason, as I’m typing this post…there’s this small bug flying around in my room and its just annoying me right now. But back to the actual point of this post, you could probably already tell from the title so no need for me to say it again. I’m finally back again  *hint hint* with a new DIY post. I know…I know…I haven’t been doing much DIYs lately and I feel kinda bad about it so today, I’ve decided to jump in the “really cute décor for your room wagon” and do/make a DIY for my room.
Let’s get real and admit that everyone has dreamt of having a Pinterest-worthy room or a Tumblr-worthy room at least once in their lifetime. Today, we’re gonna be making a décor piece that you can totally personalize to fit your style~

“I’m really into small, delicate décor pieces because I find that although they may be small in size but it just makes a huge statement… Also, I’ve recently got into botany and that’s kinda my thing right now so just bear with me as I go through this phase.“

What you’ll need:
-       a light bulb container
-       fake moss (unless you’re planning on making a live terrarium)
-       fake flowers/ornaments
First up, I found this c.u.t.e light bulb container from a 100Y shop while I was away in Japan and I didn’t really have to give it much thought before I just threw this into my basket. I just thought that I could totally make a DIY out of this and bought it. If you can’t find a light bulb container, you can just use a mason jar. Either way, it’ll turn out really cute!!!
I also got the fake moss from Daiso which is another type of 100Y shop that you can probably find almost anywhere in Japan but I’m pretty sure they have tons of other branches around the world. But you can most likely find some fake moss from a craft store or wherever it is that sell fake flowers as well.
Also, I just had a few cute little fake flowers that I had on hand so I decided to incorporate them into my DIY. Anything works just make sure that it is able to fit into the opening of the container.
I got my container and took the top off. I then worked my way and shoved small pieces of the fake moss in. A tip is to use a pencil or something long and narrow to help fit the moss in place. I then proceeded to add in my other decorations and arranged them the way I liked it. And when you’re done with that…just close the lid back on and you’re pretty much done with this super adorable room décor!
I actually did this DIY in other mini jars and it also turned out great so try it for yourself!
You now know that you’re one step closer to achieving a Tumblr/Pinterest room… If you haven’t been following our blog, here are a few other DIY ideas that you may wanna try if you’re into room décor just like me!

[List of DIY's]
I really hope you enjoyed this DIY and stay tune for more posts to come.

