Diary: Cookies & Zombies | Bethany

Hey everybody! I'm actually really tired now, it's 12:30 a.m. as I'm writing this but I don't know... I just wanna write about something because I feel like it.
Yes, this is yet another Diary Post. I think it's a little more on the personal scale where I rant and rant about stupid things when I'm blury....because I usually write this to recollect my day (or in this case, week). Just deal with it, please.
I feel like a positive energy of glitter and sparkles just hit me. I feel so so SO happy right now. I really appreciate happiness but sometimes, I want it to take it down a notch. I'm feeling super tired but I don't wanna sleep although my eyes hurt and I can't sleep even if I want to. If it makes sense.
Why is my body so weird? Boohoo.
In relation of what I said just now, I love being happy, don't get me wrong.
Those who are feeling super sad right now, I want you to SMILE. Or else, I'd have to crack a joke. And to say the least, I'm a VERY lame person when it comes to jokes.
Other than that weird-ish, Ally, Sarah and I did do a little baking on Tuesday (November 10th) and we'll be writing a post all about it. Oooooooo....So be sure to keep an eye out for that post :) It was so much fun.
- Here's a little sneak peek on
the cookies we've made.
- And yes, my family has
the Christmas tree up already.
- This pic has filter so don't think
the cookie is that color.
P/S: It probably is. I don't know
I ain't no cookie color expert.

I don't usually bake but heck, I just wanna go to her house every single day to bake something now, just sayin'.

I'm actually almost finished with my portion of cookies heh.
Anywaays, this isn't a rant about how fast I eat my cookies compared to the other two girls...although I have to point out that I'm actually really hungry right now and it's like 12:45 a.m.

Curse my hunger issues. (JK I don't have hunger issues)
I do need to clarify though, I'm not always hungry at this time. I don't know why I am now.
WHY I'm still up at this hour? Let's just say...I'm a super last minute stinkler. I do my homework the day night before due date. Which is a pretty VERY bad habit and I'm trying my best to get rid of it. Somehow I just can't and I end up regretting every single time it happens again. (Which is every Thursday night, to those wondering).
No hard feelings, Thursday.
Just saying though, staying up 'til 12:30 a.m. itself is SUPER late for me because I usually go to bed by 11. Don't ask. I just go to bed that time. It's not my family rule or anything. I'm just like that. I love going to bed because, just cause.
If you wanna know a real night owl, you can kindly contact Ally and Sarah. I don't know how on Earth do they stay up 'til 3 a.m. and such, maybe it's just me 'cause I can't.
I don't know how to make my life seem super interesting because it really isn't and I apologize if this is getting boring already.
I have to get up at like 7 tomorrow and it's already ONE IN THE MORNING. I'm just gonna roll out of bed, like a zombie and continue BEING a zombie for the rest of the morning, and then turn into an even worst zombie by the time it hits mid-day. Then turn in to the most horrifying zombie when I continue my afternoon and look like a beaten up zombie by the time it's in the evening and collapse onto my bed right after dinner. Like seriously.
Ookay....Halloween's over. Why am I talking about zombies?
Wait who said zombies are only for Halloween. I'm totally just making myself sound like a messed up human being. (Which I AM! not really.)
***Long story short, Bethany is gonna look like a zombie that got stomped on anything and everything that can possibly stomp on her.***
I guess I gotta get to bed because otherwise, I'd look like a zombie that just jumped off a fifty-storey building, got ran over by a train then got hit by two buses while having a gorilla throw me around.
It's just an exaggeration. Okay. Okay.
This is not the Fault in Our MY Sleepiness.
Nite nite. (Although by the time I post this, it's probably not night)
MY EYE ITCHES AND I'M SO SLEEPY YET why am I not in bed. Okay I really need to go to bed.
LESSON OF THE DAY: Don't eat chocolate before bed.
Why do you think I'm still awake...

Plot twist.
