One Year Later... | Forty-Two³

Hello everybody! It is us, Forty-Two³ (or forty-two cube). And today, we're celebrating our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY thing on Blogger.

Can you believe it's been a year?
It kinda has been a whirlwind of an adventure *Although technically, we haven't been anywhere* We never really expected to still be blogging after an entire year. We did however joke about writing our 10th year anniversary post together and now..........who would have thought that we're 9 years closer to that dream now!

The past year has been a great experience, either online or offline but I will say that I felt the tiniest bit of pressure knowing that I had to come up with a post every week if not every other week (we occasionally have K-Pop Reaction posts on the 4th, 16th and 22nd of every month) I wanted to write really fun, interesting and relatable posts although I don't think I've achieved that just quite but we'll continue to write on this blog as a trio for as long as we can...So keep on following our blog and join us on this little journey of ups and downs...

We may not be the funnest people on the planet but to those who enjoy our posts, thanks sooooo much for everything that has happened this past year. I'd just like to say that it would have been really boring not to have something to do every weekend. This blog has really been all we've been talking about in school whenever the 3 of us are together.

From this point on, I'll continue to give my very best to not disappoint any readers out there (if there are even any) But, do excuse my occasional laziness...I apologise in advance <3 We hope you enjoy all the craziness and randomness that's instored for you in the future!

When we first started this blog, we were just goofing around and having fun with it and never really expected to grow a small amount of followers.
I really really genuinely hope that the three of us would have an ever-lasting friendship that could enable us to continue writing down more memories on this blog. To be real honest, I love to think that the three of us will look back at this little journey and just either cringe or laugh at it. Well...cringe just applies to my posts.
Nevertheless, I feel so blessed that I can express myself in ways I can't exactly do in real life and just be me.
For this little milestone, I wanna thank God for blessing me with these two girls and also for blessing us with the courage to start this blog. I'd also wanna thank Ally and Sarah for being great friends and co-founders (HAHA This sounds so professional. Co-founders. LOL). Thank you Blogger for being an awesome platform. And last but not least, all of you.

I want to thank you for reading this; silent reader or not - for just sticking around and reading what we have to say.
I'll continue doing my best and I won't let you down. <3 Cheers to many more years to come.
Yeah we might talk about the randomest (not sure if it's a word) most boring stuff ever so I wanna say thanks for reading our posts even if it's not very good. This one year has been a good experience and I had a lot of fun writing on it. Although sometimes it adds on stuff to do on top of our mountains of homework. I still really love this blog. Right now our lives are gonna get super busy and hectic T.T so I hope that I'll be able to use this blog as a getaway from everything and just share my thoughts with you. (which probably means there'll be less DIY's. I know I'm sorry) 

It's just crazy to think that 366 days ago, we published our very first post....
Thanks for sticking by us for a whole 1 year, 12 months, 366 days, 8,784 hours, 527,040 minutes or 31,622,400 seconds - however you see it. We are humbled and grateful from the bottom of our hearts for everything in the time span of one year.
With so much love even that a heart would explode,
P.S: We've been really busy this past 2 weeks...and will be for the next 4 months. Please be patient with us and we hope this post can make it up to this one week's absence in individual posts. Thanks for reading <3.


  1. *pops streamers and throws extra confetti in the air*
    WOOHOO!!!! Sorry I couldn't post this earlier, but I'll throw an internet party now! XD
    I haven't been following you girls the entire time, but it has been a joy to see your posts in my inbox main page thingy :)
    Keep it up (if you want to) and have fun with it! ^_^ And yes! Only 9 more years to go! XD That's the right attitude! XD

    1. Awww that's so sweet. Thank you :D That means so much to us :) (BTW how was the trip to the Philippines? Seemed like you had a ton of fun xD)


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